Conciergerie de Luxe : Jet Privé,
Chalet de Luxe, Voiture Blindée,
Yacht, Grand Prix F1 de Monaco,
Jet Prive, Avion Cargo, Avion Passagers
Here is the roadmap to transform an airliner into a VIP BBJ plane:
“The Royal BOEING 747-8 BBJ”
In first, you must buy a BOEING 747-8i.
It must be purchased without the seats and all the mandatory equipment a passenger plane.
The ideal: buy a cargo plane, with nothing inside.
It's called a BARE HULL plane.
After purchasing the Plane, the interior designers come to inspect the plane with a design office with their aeronautical engineers ...
They establish a project, and they make proposals for fitting out the cabin to the purchaser, to make you a plane in the style of the President of the USA: Air Force One.
For information
Price of a New or very recent BOEING 747-8:
500,000,000 USD
Absolut Luxury Cabin Design and Design Office:
350,000,000 USD
Interior Reconfiguration (Integration)
WEBFORJETSET provides plug and play interior reconfigurations that are completely finished and ready to install with all systems pre-tested.
We offer several aircraft interior refurbishment services.
A full range of engineering capabilities, manufacturing capabilities and Logistical Support Services are offered to support its customer programs.
Airline customers that purchase an aircraft from another airline customer to reconfigure it to match their current fleet of aircraft.
This would include aircraft records review to confirm that the existing aircraft is compliant to the applicable regulations it will be flying under, as well as any aircraft interior refurbishment procedures needed to get it up to regulation.
In addition, this type of program could include an Interior Reconfiguration in order to benefit the airline customer business model.
Mechanical Engineering:
Our Engineers have created some of the most reliable aircraft cabin interior designs and components.
We have experience on Crew Rests, Bar Units, Closets, Class Dividers, Sidewalls, Ceilings, Stowage Bins, PSUs, and other miscellaneous cabin interior components and systems that are customized to enhance the airline passengers ’experience.
Our Engineers offer expertise with commercial and VIP aircraft modification, aircraft cabin interior designs, and Cabin Systems integration, such as ECS, Water, and Lighting, for an extensive range of aircraft.
Electrical Engineering:
Our Electrical Engineers have designed and integrated a multitude of electrical systems for interior reconfiguration programs on all major commercial airlines.
These include aircraft wiring for cabin lighting, F / C, B / C and E / C seat electrical accommodations (eg PED power, seat actuation and IFE system), closet, lavatory, galley, bar unit, flight deck door and aircraft electrical power panels.
We work closely with IFE suppliers to meet the passenger cabin entertainment requirements of our airline customers.
Our Structural (stress) Engineers ensure structural design integrity while targeting customer weight savings and maintenance objectives.
We resolve complex challenges and have comprehensive interior and exterior structure modifications experience that includes secondary and primary structural modifications for cabin interior systems, skin penetrations, antenna installations, and main deck and lower lobe structural design integration.
Design office
Kitchens for chefs, worthy of a 3-star restaurant
First Class seats
3 dining rooms, including a dining room for the owner
3 bedrooms with bathroom and WC with large precious wood bed and gold-plated taps
1 royal bedroom with bathroom and WC with 1 large bed in precious wood and gold-plated taps, “Hors Classe”
1 sauna + 1 massage room
2 furnished first class offices that can accommodate 6 people
1 meeting room with 20 seats
15 seats for flight crew
1 wine and champagne cellar for non-Muslim guests
1 call center with 30 seats to continue the Business, even in the air ...
The Boeing 747-8i Royal, fitted out by WEBFORJETSET has 3 levels like the standard Boeing 747s, their interior has been completely redesigned.
The electrical wiring, 383 kilometers long, twice that of an ordinary Boeing 747, is shielded to withstand an electromagnetic pulse generated by an atomic explosion.
In addition, there are electronic countermeasures, a radar jammer, decoys to deceive homing missiles, as well as other equipment whose precise nature is kept secret.
The aircraft has a flight capacity of 12,600 km, or about a third of the circle of the earth with 80 people on board.
It can be refueled in flight.
The royal family goes up through the low front door
The 747s have a huge area, reconfigured to meet presidential needs.
The lowest of the three levels is mainly fitted out as a baggage hold and for the storage of food on board.
The plane can carry over 1,000 meals to remain self-sufficient for the duration of a long royal journey.
This level also has at the front and at the rear, 2 passenger doors annexed to the aircraft used for the service, which also make it possible to get on and off without an airport walkway.
The second level is occupied by the president and his close team, and the third (the "hump" of the 747s) includes the cockpit, a small rest area for the crew with four seats and tables on one side and two berths. the other and at the back a center where four people manage the communications and the protection of the device.
This center thus enables the aircraft to have 87 telephone lines, including secure communications, the Internet, and to receive satellite television channels.
The second level is arranged, from the front to the rear of the 747, with a presidential space which includes the suite for the royal couple with:
- a bedroom-living room located at the forepeak of the aircraft, furnished with two sofas convertible into two berths, armchairs, and a work desk,
- a bathroom equipped with a shower, two sinks and a toilet,
- a large desk with a large work desk, a guest chair, and a large corner sofa.
This space is served by a corridor running on the left side of the plane, with space side for the royal couple, an SAS towards the main exterior door usually used by the president.
There are also in this corridor, still on the presidential side, 1 sofa and 2 seats occupied during the flight by 2 members of the Secret Service.
Adjacent to the office is a medical room which includes an operating table, x-ray machine, emergency medicine equipment and supplies, and a well-stocked pharmacy.
WEBFORJETSET has provided a room for a doctor and a nurse present during all flights.
WEBFORJETSET adds a Gym with Cardio, Strength and Fitness equipment and training treadmill.
After the access stairs to the upper and lower levels and along the corridor, are on the right side,
- a small living room for 4 people,
- 2 kitchens (with the small pantry on the upper level, they can be used to prepare and serve up to 100 people at a time),
- a soundproofed conference room with TV screens, telephones,
- a large table for 8 people and sofas along the walls that can be transformed into a bed.
The corridor serves a space of 8 face-to-face seats with tables and 4 additional seats and a small room with desks with computers and printers.
Finally, we come to the rear part of the aircraft, marking the end of the part nicknamed “Royal Palace”, the name given to the space used by the King and his close collaborators.
In addition to a partition with a door, this limit is also marked by a change in the color of the carpet (from beige to blue) as well as by seat belt buckles which no longer bear the Royal seal.
This rear part, of a more classic design, includes a first space within the center 8 2x2 armchairs facing each other with central table and on the sides 2 additional seats and exterior access doors.
It is the guest space where the personalities who accompany the president on a trip often sit.
This place is also designed to be easily convertible.
This is followed by 3 separate spaces equipped with seats like business class seats on a regular airline.
First, on each side of the access staircase to the lower level, there are about ten seats reserved for security personnel (Secret Service and Bodyguards) then on the right and central part 14 seats including 2 with desks, in general occupied by journalists authorized to accompany the King on board the Boeing 747-8i (the rest of the pool of accredited American journalists follow on board another plane, a Boeing 747 or a Boeing 777 chartered to WEBFORJETSET BUSINESS JETS AIRLINES) and on the left part ten seats for the crew.
There are also small service areas, toilets and an access staircase to the hold and the annex rear door in this aft section.
A rule on Air Force One is that a traveler, excluding flight attendants, can always move to the rear of their assigned seat, but never forward.
Journalists or travelers from behind are therefore strictly confined to this space.
During presidential visits, the 747-8i Royal on the tarmac always stops with the left side facing the public and officials, the side where the main door of the aircraft is located.
It also improves security by hiding the side where the presidential office, living room and conference room are located.
As a gift, we can provide a space at the front of the plane to accommodate the King's ROLLS ROYCE offered by WEBFORJETSET to the buyer.